
MINUTES                     BOARD OF EDUCATION REPORT                  SEPTEMBER 9, 2019

President Jeremy Pochop called the Annual Budget Hearing to order on Monday, September 9th at 6:00 P.M., to review and discuss the 2019-20 fiscal year proposed budget for Battle Creek Public Schools.  Members present were Lori Mink, Toby Thompson, Tammy Bierman, Paul Kuchar, and Brent Bode.  Also present were Superintendent Jake Luhr, Principals Jeff Heimes and Kyle Finke, and several visitors.  After discussion, the Annual Budget Hearing was adjourned at 6:05 P.M.

President Jeremy Pochop called the Special Hearing to order on Monday, September 9th at 6:15 P.M., to review and discuss the Property Tax Rate for the 2019-20 fiscal year for Battle Creek Public Schools.  Members present were Lori Mink, Toby Thompson, Tammy Bierman, Paul Kuchar, and Brent Bode.  Also present were Superintendent Jake Luhr, Principals Jeff Heimes and Kyle Finke, and several visitors.  After discussion, the Special Hearing was adjourned at 6:21 P.M.

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on September 9th.  This meeting was advertised in the September 4th edition of the Battle Creek Enterprise.   President Jeremy Pochop called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.   Members present were Lori Mink, Toby Thompson, Tammy Bierman, Paul Kuchar, and Brent Bode.   Also present were Superintendent Jake Luhr, Principals Jeff Heimes and Kyle Finke, and several visitors.  The open meeting law was discussed and posted, and will be followed at every Board meeting.  To start the Board meeting, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, which included the September  general fund bills which totaled $76,641.00.  Paul Kuchar seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Visitors at the meeting discussed their concerns with the bus routes and the drop off/pick up locations that have been set up for students that live outside of the district boundaries and option into Battle Creek Public Schools.  There will be more discussion on this at the October Board meeting.

Lori Mink made a motion to approve the proposed 2019-20 General Fund budget of $7,974,050.00 as proposed in the Battle Creek Enterprise.  Also included is the Depreciation Fund budget of $1,006,864.00, Employee Benefit Fund budget of $75,000.00, Activities Fund budget of $300,000.00, School Nutrition Fund budget of $351,750.00, Bond Fund budget of $841,263.00, Special Building Fund budget of $931,000.00, and a Student Fee Fund budget of $27,837.00.  Brent Bode seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Toby Thompson made a motion to pass the 2019-20 Tax Request Resolution for the General Fund in the amount of $4,655,682.00(property tax rate - .741723), Bond Fund in the amount of $500,000.00(property tax rate - .086633), and the Special Building Fund in the amount of $131,313.00(property tax rate - .020920).  Brent Bode seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Mr. Luhr discussed with the Board the ESCO selection and that he had 2 proposals for the HVAC and lighting for the elementary and high schools.  Paul Kuchar made a motion to accept the proposal from Community Building Solutions for the HVAC and lighting in the elementary and high schools.

Mr. Luhr discussed with the Board the objectives and action plans for the Strategic Planning goals that have been set up by the committee.  Mr. Heimes, Mr. Wintz, and Dylan Mettler explained a little bit about each goal.  Tammy Bierman made a motion to approve the action plans as presented.  Toby Thompson seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Mr. Luhr discussed with the Board the extra duty assignment of our One-Act directors, and the split of the money between the two staff members.

Brent Bode made a motion to approve the option request of Kenneth Warrick, 10th grader, for the 2019-20 school year.  This request was based on available room in the classroom at this time, and that Kenneth had attended Battle Creek Public School prior to moving out of the district.  Paul Kuchar seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.    

Comments were heard from the Board, Principals, and Superintendent.

With no further business, Board President Jeremy Pochop adjourned the meeting at 7:31 P.M.

Submitted by,

Jake Luhr, Secretary Board of Education