Win, Win, Win

Happy Friday Everyone!

Win, Win, Win!!!  Without a doubt, we love to win.  And for good reason - winning is fun, gives us a sense of fulfillment, and makes us feel superior.  The fans love it, the participants love it, the media loves it, we all love it.  But is it the winning that really gives us all the sensation?  Many would say absolutely, YES!  I would argue and say NO.  I would argue that winning is a result of preparation, execution, and looking forward.  Preparation takes time, relentless effort, and mental sharpness.  Execution is demonstrating that preparation on center stage during the competition.  Looking forward is mentally focused in the moment and moments to come while refusing to dwell on what has already happened.  Winning may be a result of these things at times, but it is the preparation, execution, and looking forward that should provide a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.  These are the things we should praise higher than the "W".  Preparation, execution, and looking forward fit the bill far and wide.  Athletics to the arts or academics to arcade games they will give everyone a chance to get a win.  Praise the preparation, excite the execution, and lavish the looking forward. 

Happy Friday!!