
Happy Friday Everyone!!

In my 20+ years in education, I have noticed the numerous "hats" that are worn in schools.  We all wear multiple "hats" in this profession.  We are teachers who create engaging learning opportunities and lessons for our students.  We are motivators who push, encourage, and inspire others.  We are artists who mold and shape young minds.  We are coaches who develop mental toughness, grit, and resilience along with physical strength and skill.  We are farmers who plant seeds of knowledge, hope and cultivate a growth mindset.  We are therapists who listen and advise students as they navigate their way through school.  We are cheerleaders who celebrate successes and shout words of encouragement.  We are role models who, through our daily behavior, show others how to be passionate, empathetic, and compassionate.  We are parents who provide guidance, love, support, discipline and clean up after our kids from time to time.  We are friends who give our colleagues support, advice and encouragement.  These are just some examples of the multiple "hats" we wear at school.  We wear our "hats" with pride because we know they help us make a difference in the lives of others.  Some "hats" fit more comfortably than others, but we can wear any of them when necessary.  

Happy Friday!!