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Happy Friday Everyone!!

Those of us who find ourselves in what society considers the "older" generation more than likely had a parent, teacher, or significant adult say to us "patience is a virtue" when we were younger.  Many times we were verbally assaulted with this common phrase when we were too eager or too anxious in anticipation of something we desired.  Nowadays, this phrase could not be more significant.  In a world of instant gratification, unlimited do-overs, and immediate feedback, many would say this virtue has faded from importance.  Undoubtedly, patience is something that is developed over time and comes a little easier with maturity, but how do we make it a point of emphasis in our current reality of instantaneousness?  The virtue of patience can be transformed into stick-withed-ness, determination or grit.  Whatever term we use, it is our ability to stick with something until the end goal has been met.  Regardless of what word we use to describe this fading virtue, one thing stands true:  Our children, our students, and yes, even those of us who are labeled as "older" need to practice, develop, improve, or maintain our virtue of patience.  We must teach it, practice it, and praise it.  The virtue of patience is a key component to learning self-control and self-awareness.  A virtue that is timeless in its significance.  It is easy to return to those childhood moments of using every ounce of energy to sit still or wait for that moment of gratification and hearing my mother"s voice say "patience is a virtue".   A phrase that is as true today as it ever has been.

Happy Friday!