
Happy Friday Everyone!!

Presents, we all enjoy presents, gifts, or kind gestures.  These things make us feel appreciated, valued, or important.  Traditionally, we get to enjoy these things on significant days of the year - birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.  These material presents are nice, but receiving them only happens on special occasions.  There is a present that can be equally if not more significant than the material ones previously mentioned and can be received or given every day.  Giving your own or receiving someone else's full presence is more precious and powerful than any material present could be.  Time is our most valuable resource.  When we fully engage and share our most valuable resource with others, great things happen.  We increase the chance that others will reciprocate with their full presence creating a respectful and productive environment.   Being fully present in the moment creates greater attentiveness, productivity, and rich conversations.  We have all been guilty of hoarding our valuable resource at times, which is ok.  However, when we make a conscious effort to be fully present with our children, our parents/patrons, our colleagues, etc. we are giving them one of the most valuable pieces of ourself - our time.  Our full presence is the best present we can ever give!   

Happy Friday!