
Happy Friday Everyone!

In times of uncertainty, like the one we are currently living in, I find myself to two very conflicting states of mind.  One being overwhelmed by all the uncertainty of when this will come to an end or by the worry of what hammer is going to be dropped next.  This state of mind is paralyzing and problem focused.  It does not allow me to perform at my optimal level.  The other state of mind is creative and solution based.  It allows me to find creative solutions to accomplish the same tasks in a different or new way.  I would like to think that I could choose to operate within the second state of mind 100% of the time.  However, when in the midst of all of this unknown, one takes over the other and then in a blink of an eye reverses back to the other.  This reversal happens often and is a continual back and forth battle.  I believe that recognizing this battle of states is essential to making it through this pandemic.  When I recognize the state of helplessness and paralysis is happening, I can choose to reverse it by refocusing on the good things.  Good things like having the time for family dinners or seeing the enhancement of communication between our school and our parents.  Both have been a product of coronavirus.  As we move into the next week of unknowns, try to focus on the solutions and the good things to reverse your state of mind.  

Happy Friday!!