shine, you were made for greatness

Happy Friday Everyone!

The following is a daily quote from the book Stay Positive:

"Just as there are diamonds, gold, and oil inside the earth, there is a priceless TREASURE inside of you.  You are valuable beyond measure and there is greatness inside you.  You don't have to chase it.  You already have it!  You just have to do the work to bring it out and SHINE." ~ Daniel Decker & Jon Gordon, Stay Positive.    

Too many times we allow an obstacle, the fear of failure, or a distraction hinder our work to show our greatness.  To me the key phrase of this quote is "do the work".  Do the work in spite of your fear of failure.  Do the work to overcome your obstacle.  Do the work to destroy your distraction.   Greatness exists within each and every one of us and it takes a continuous commitment to "do the work".  Winter season is upon us and we all know we will be faced with obstacles, fears, and distractions.  We must continue to "do the work" and let the greatness of BC SHINE!!

Happy Friday!