Be A Doer

Happy Friday Everyone!!

In my experiences as a teacher, parent, coach, and administrator, I have worked and interacted with thousands of people on a variety of things.  Throughout these experiences, I have noticed that people usually operate within three types of mentalities: constant complainers, wavering watchers, and dedicated doers.  

Constant complainers will find and point out every possible problem.  They expect someone else to fix the problem they have pointed out.  These people are seldom happy or fun to be around.  Constant complainers love to hang out with other complainers and sometimes reach out to the wavering watchers.  

Wavering watchers sit on the fence and do very little if anything.  They simply watch things without any real commitment to one side or the other.  Watchers may choose a side, but will put very little, if any, action behind their choice.  

Then we have the dedicated doers.  These people are solution oriented.  If they see a problem, they seek possible solutions.  Dedicated doers can be detail oriented, which allows them to create step by step processes for their solutions, or they can be big picture, which allows them to create big picture solutions.  

We all have the ability of being a constant complainer, a wavering watcher, or a dedicated doer.  When we spend the majority of our time, effort, and energy being a dedicated doer, great things happen!  Dedicated doers enjoy the journey of problem solving.  They relish the calculated risk taking.  Above all, they have no fear of failure because failures bring them one step closer to a successful solution.  Dedicated doers overcome obstacles, traverse new territory, and create a continuous path of improvement.  

Happy Friday!