
MINUTES                            BOARD OF EDUCATION REPORT                     FEBRUARY 11, 2023

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on February 13th.  This meeting was advertised in the February 8th edition of the Battle Creek Enterprise.   President Jeremy Pochop called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.   Members present were Toby Thompson, Tammy Bierman, Sean Lindgren, Paul Kuchar, and Tom Leathers.  Also, present were Superintendent Jake Luhr and Principals Jeff Heimes and Curtis Childers, 6 seniors, and a visitor.  The new open meeting law poster was discussed and posted and will be followed at every Board meeting.  To start the Board meeting, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Tammy Bierman made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, which included the February  general fund bills that totaled $142,978.34.   Sean Lindgren seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes. 

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board a bids and budgets spreadsheet from Hausmann Construction which the Board reviewed and discussed.

Mr. Luhr reviews the district’s Strategic Planning Goals with the Board.  The number one goal of renovating and expanding the elementary is currently underway, but will not be met until 2024.  The number two goal of being the school of choice has been met but is an ongoing continuous improvement goal.  The number three goal of giving students more voice has been partially met.

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board an updated 2023-24 Master Calendar for review and to be approved.  Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the 2023-24 Master Calendar.  Tom Leathers seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board a spreadsheet of the various Certificates of Deposit of district funds at Elkhorn Valley Bank and Midwest Bank.  He discussed his idea on how to utilize these funds as they mature.  Tammy Bierman made a motion to allow Mr. Luhr to explore the best ways to utilize these funds as they mature and report back to the board at future meetings.  Paul Kuchar seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board a current classified wage scale and his recommendation for increases for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years.  After discussion, Sean Lindgren made a motion to approve the 2023-24 Classified Staff Wage Scale as proposed by Mr. Luhr.  Paul Kuchar seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with five ayes.  Toby Thompson abstained. 

Mr. Luhr presented a Building Fund invoice from CWP(Carlson West Povondra Architects) in the amount of $76,307.67 was tabled until the March board meeting. 

Mr. Luhr discussed with the Board some of the legislative updates that pertain to schools that are currently being heard at the public hearings by various legislative committees.  More updates regarding this topic will be discussed at the March Board meeting.

Mr. Luhr discussed and recommended to the Board to postpone any approval or denial of option enrollment requests for the 2023-24 school year until the April Board meeting.  Toby Thompson made a motion to suspend the option enrollment  requests until the April Board meeting.  Tammy Bierman seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Comments were heard from the Board, Principals, and Superintendent.

With no further business, Board President Jeremy Pochop adjourned the meeting at 7:07 P.M.

Submitted by,

Jake Luhr, Secretary Board of Education