Friday, March 31, 2023


Wednesday-Friday, March 29-31 State FFA in Lincoln.


Student Council members who signed up to help with the Easter Egg Hunt need to show up to Community Pride Care Center at 1:00 PM on Saturday.

Seniors- you can pick up your graduation gown order from 

Mrs. Thompson this week.

If you have borrowed a calculator from Mrs. Anderson, it needs to be returned TODAY. Check your bags and lockers.

Secondary students and staff with March birthdays: Friday is the last day to get your birthday duck from the library and become eligible for the monthly birthday prize.

If you want to be in the school chess tournament, check your email for a message from Mr. Heller. 

Lunch Helpers:: 

1st Lunch: Kinnley Wehrle, Couper Sellin, Paige Rumans

2nd Lunch: Logan Lutt, Keira Hestekind, Micah Prauner

Lunch: Fish Burger