purple christmas tree

One Week and Three Days

One week and three days, no doubt they’ll be great

Minus the weekend, of school it makes eight

For eight days of school I’m sure you can last

A lot to get done, the time will go fast

Work ethic engaged no shortcuts to take

So we can enjoy a long nine day break

Keep those books open, great notes you should write

Your break will be fun all day and all night

The reason should be in front of your mind

For Christmas be grateful, merry, and kind

Find joy in others with whom you spend time

If you’ve been good, down the chimney he’ll climb

Eight days will go fast, it won’t be too long

Soon you’ll be singing a fun Christmas song

Handshakes or fist bumps or at least a smile

Eight days from now you can rest for a while

There’s nothing easy about these eight days

Have no doubt to us our kids will amaze

So let’s keep it going, fire up with no fear

In eight days from now we can yell and cheer

For a Christmas break, a week and a half

The schools will be empty of kids and staff

One week and three days, it’s almost here

Keep on engaging, to finish the year

Happy Friday!