
MINUTES                             BOARD OF EDUCATION REPORT                           MARCH 14, 2022

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on March 14th.  This meeting was advertised in the March 9th edition of the Battle Creek Enterprise.   President Jeremy Pochop called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.   Members present were Brent Bode, Toby Thompson, Tammy Bierman, Sean Lindgren, and Paul Kuchar.  Also, present were Superintendent Jake Luhr and Principals Jeff Heimes and Curtis Childers, 6 seniors, and two visitors.  The new open meeting law poster was discussed and posted and will be followed at every Board meeting.  To start the Board meeting, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Tammy Bierman made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, which included the March general fund bills that totaled $158,497.90.  Toby Thompson seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

The state speech qualifying OID team performed their state speech for the Board.    

Mr. Luhr visited with the Board about the Bond election.  The ballots are due on March 15th and the preliminary results should be released after 5:00 P.M. that evening. 

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board the district’s Return to Learn Plan.  According to the rules of the federal government, we are required to review this plan regularly throughout the school year.  This is our second review as our first review was done in the first semester.  No changes were recommended to the plan. 

Mr. Luhr presented to the Board a copy of LB1027.  The idea of this bill is to offer schools with Native American mascots a one-time grant of $200,000.00 to willingly change their mascot/name on their own.  At this time the school will not make any changes to their mascot/name.

Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the teacher resignation of Rebecca Fischer, science teacher, effective at the end of the 2021-22 school year.  Brent Bode seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes. 

Paul Kuchar made a motion to approve the teacher resignation of Jacki McCracken, kindergarten teacher, with regrets and appreciation for her 13 years of service.   Sean Lindgren seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the new teacher contract of Abigail Robinson, K-12 vocal music teacher for the 2022-23 school year.  Paul Kuchar seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Sean Lindgren made a motion to approve the new teacher contract of Rachel Zohner, 6th grade teacher for the 2022-23 school year.  Tammy Bierman seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the new teacher contract of Jaclynn Rethwisch, kindergarten teacher for the 2022-23 school year.  Paul Kuchar seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes. 

Sean Lindgren made a motion to approve the option enrollment request of Easton Snyder, kindergartner, for the 2022-23 school year.  Brent Bode seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the option enrollment request of Teedan Anderson, kindergartner, for the 2022-23 school year.  Sean Lindgren seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Sean Lindgren made a motion to approve the option enrollment request of Emma Baumert, kindergartner, for the 2022-23 school year.  Tammy Bierman seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes. 

Tammy Bierman made a motion to approve the option enrollment request of Kamden Kuchar, kindergartner, for the 2022-23 school year.  Brent Bode seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with five ayes.   Paul Kuchar abstained.

Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the option enrollment request of Moxon Last, kindergartner, for the 2022-23 school year.  Paul Kuchar seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Toby Thompson made a motion to deny the option enrollment request of Ryleanna Waggoner, kindergartner, for the 2022-23 school year.  This request was denied based on Board Policy 5006.  Paul Kuchar seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

Toby Thompson made a motion to approve the option enrollment request of James Wells, 7th grader, for the 2022-23 school year.  Sean Lindgren seconded the motion.  On roll call vote, the motion carried with six ayes.

The option requests of Connor Heiderman and Hunter Lowry were tabled until the April Board meeting. 

Comments were heard from the Board, Principals, and Superintendent.

With no further business, Board President Jeremy Pochop adjourned the meeting at  6:49 P.M.

Submitted by,

Jake Luhr, Secretary Board of Education