The force Yoda

Happy Friday Everyone!!

When people are scared to make mistakes, they become preoccupied with protecting themselves from the forces within their environment as opposed to helping those forces to create the best environment possible.  Being scared to make mistakes leads to the crushing of communication, the tanking of trust, the dismantling of direction, the ruination of relationships, and the termination of teamwork.  This fear creates an "everyone for themselves" culture, which is a toxic culture.  
Anyone can be a force of their environment.  Parents are the force of their family environment.  Teachers are the force of their classroom environment.  Coaches are the force of their team environment.  The team captain is a force of their team environment.  These are the forces that create the culture and the forces who choose to lead by fear or by fearlessness.  Strive for an environment where people are scared to NOT make mistakes.  An environment where not trying or doing nothing is not an option.  An environment where the forces who create it are committed to the ones who live in it.  Forces who create an environment where their people can become the very best versions of themselves.    Use your force to elevate those you serve!   

Happy Friday!