
Happy first  Friday of 2022-23 Everyone!

I copied and pasted this from a social media post and think it is fitting to re-post as we start the 22-23 school year:

Classes are almost starting(have started) and I want to ask you a favor, sit down with your child for 5 minutes and explain to them that being very tall, short, chubby, skinny, black or white is not a joke. That there is nothing wrong with wearing the same shoes every day. Explain to him or her that a used backpack carries the same dreams as a new one... Please teach them not to exclude anyone for "being different" or not having the same possibilities as one. Explain to them that teasing hurts... and that they go to school to LEARN, NOT to compete.


Education is definitely a partnership between the home and the school. It is this partnership that allows all students to develop a love for learning and the ability to make an impact. Impact can be defined as having a strong effect on someone or something. We all make an impact every day and we control whether it is a positive one or a negative one. Learning allows us to explore, experience, and find our passion. A high level of learning requires a great environment and culture, which is where each one of us can make a positive impact. As we embark on the 22-23 school year, I challenge all of us to have a positive impact in our classrooms, in our activities, with our families, and in our community. This focus on having or making an impact will enhance our learning experiences and maintain our culture of being committed to excellence!

Happy Friday!